Our services

Our services

(Our homes are specialized in the following major areas.)

1) Jesus Christ Charitable Trust admits all kinds of poor, old people and destitute even in bedridden stage.

2) Comforts old and destitute till their death.

3) Allows old people for admission, if they are neglected and rejected by their family members.

4) Allows old people to return to their own houses if the relations are restored with their family members.

5) Our home is the wonderful opportunity for old widows or widowers who are single without children.

6) We patiently serve the old people and restore peace in their mind and remove the fear of death in their life.

7) We perform all death formalities after their death.

8) We counsel the family members in their difficult situations and severe struggles.

9) We counsel the addicts of alcohol, drugs and different bad habits.

10) We propagate the need of love and care about old people in schools and colleges.

11) We distribute provision kits to the poor widows in the villages through help express.

12) We conduct medical camps, blood donation camps skill development trainings granting scholarships to economically backward class through our prestigious programme SUPPORT.

13) We conduct awareness camps and trainings for poor women for establishing village cottage industries.

14) We encourage poor students in their studies through scholarships.

15) We conduct counseling and awareness programmes for all kinds of addicts through ROADS i.e., Rehabilitation of Orphans Old addicts and destitute services.